Sunday, September 14, 2008


Okay so I remembered what I was going to say as soon as I posted the other one.

As many of you know the first presidential debate is on September 26th. It is being hosted by the University of Mississippi, FUn, FUN...not

It has become a headache. I mean parking has gone for the birds, and its only going to get worse. I actually can't wait for it to be over. Week after next is going to be even worse, I am so glad that they canceled class for the day of the debate, I would have skipped anyway.

Well enough of that, later, again...

It's Raining...It's Pouring...

Okay, Random title right? Not really, It's raining here, from IKE. Yeah, right. I hope it wasn't too damaging to Texas. I know it rained there all day yesterday.

Oh, boy, I brought this up wanting to write and I forgot what I was going to say...normal, right. So I guess I will not say anything...oh, well...

Hope everybody had a good weekend.