ALRIGHT another blog. Thats funny aint it. I was doin a very dangerous thing the other day, thinking. For some its okay to think but for me it could get me in trouble(LOL). Anyway I was thinkin and I need yalls opinion, "Why do we need clicks, aka social clubs and yes even greek societies?" I have always been a part of the "OUT" crowd, and i dont see the reasoning behind the separation of people whether it be at High School or at College. We even see it out in the workforce. There is always the one left out of the mix. At one time I was asked to be part of the "IN" crowd but decline when i found out what one needed to do to be part of it. The initiation went against not just what i was raised on but what I believed. Are we just Strangers in the World, or are we just part of the world and pretend we are strangers in it. (Casey I really want your opinion.)