Thursday, February 24, 2005

My dream car i found this on the i net and it was for sell Posted by Hello

THis is a kool pict Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 20, 2005

What Do you say?????

What do you tell someone who has just lost a love one? How can you say I know how you feel? There have been deaths in my family but none like the one this past week back home. Those of you who know me know that I am very compassionate, but what do you tell a 10 year old after his dad died? I just know that I felt so hopeless Saturday at the funeral. Ms. Sharon, the wife of the deceased, looked like hell (if you excuse the phrase), and Cody, the 10 year old, looked like he was just trying to be brave for his mom. Jerry and his wife, Jerry is the eldest son, looked like he was trying to be strong for his mom. I dont think that I could ever be that strong. I still dont know what to say to him. All I can do is offer my help if he needs someone to take him away to talk or something. And whats worst is that Tommy and Cody are really good friends. They basically grew up together and it is the same with me and Jerry. I have known them forever. But what can you tell a person after something like this happens.

God Bless.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentines Day

This overly popular media frenzie is getting out of control. It originally began as a holiday in honor of Saint Valentine. One of the many saints. This is not the only day that is getting to commercial. There are many others and people are starting to like Valentines day not because of the religious background of it, but because its a way to get free candy from people. I for one like the thought of one day a year to get something from ones sweetheart. However, we cant just let it go too far. I know for a fact that it is very hard to see all this stuff on being with your sweetheart on V-Day (yes people do call it this) when you and he or she are miles apart. I have personally dealt with it today. I know that he loves me and if he were within 100 miles of here he would be with me, but he aint. And I am not gonna grudge this to other people there are many who are apart this Valentines Day and I know that I am not alone. We should not just look at this as a holiday, but as a time in which we can share the love that God has chosen to give us. Not just the ways we hear it now but as we are learning on Wednesday nights the Agape Fellowship that we all need to share in Christ.

See I went to the Top Posted by Hello

This is Tommy with Sweety isnt she cute Posted by Hello

Friday, February 11, 2005

This is from when I went to Colorado Springs The mountain is of course Pikes Peak. Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 10, 2005

For those of you who dont think that Im girlly Here goes nuttin Posted by Hello


ALRIGHT another blog. Thats funny aint it. I was doin a very dangerous thing the other day, thinking. For some its okay to think but for me it could get me in trouble(LOL). Anyway I was thinkin and I need yalls opinion, "Why do we need clicks, aka social clubs and yes even greek societies?" I have always been a part of the "OUT" crowd, and i dont see the reasoning behind the separation of people whether it be at High School or at College. We even see it out in the workforce. There is always the one left out of the mix. At one time I was asked to be part of the "IN" crowd but decline when i found out what one needed to do to be part of it. The initiation went against not just what i was raised on but what I believed. Are we just Strangers in the World, or are we just part of the world and pretend we are strangers in it. (Casey I really want your opinion.)

Monday, February 07, 2005

Here it is

Hey I found out how to add picts to the blog YEAH

For those of you who dont know what my guy looks like here he is. Posted by Hello
These are my two puppies that Ryan and I are gonna get when we get married they are 2 of 4 puppies at my house the other two are Trixie and Traveler (my dad named him b/c he was traveling around the house when he wasnt even 3 hours old.) We also have the momma dog (Little Bit) and a Black Lab Chow mix (funny name Blackie)
This was taken yesterday its really funny. She was trying to start a fight but it looks like they were kissing.

This is Sweety and Teddy LtoR arnt they cute. 71/2 weeks old. Posted by Hello

Sports what sports

Now that football season is finally over I can watch TV. I got college basketball to go see and softball to watch. but NASCAR starts real soon. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait. Oh and James Im glad my blogs are starting to look better. This weekend I went home to puppy sit for my mom. Oh and i watched my brothers too.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Super Bowl is it really important?

I guess I just don't get football. My roommate is a football fanatic major. I just dont really care. I mean I do have favorite teams that I grew up watching with my dad and grandma. But like my mom I would rather be watching BASEBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or I would rather watch NASCAR by the way the DAYTONA 500 is Febuary 20th and I cant wait. But why football. This past season for many of the sports world has been havic. Take Hockey for instance NO Stanley Cup that is like telling a person who loves football NO Super Bowl or baseball NO World Series. I have always been the girl who would get into a heated arguement on whether the Atlanta Braves are even worth watching (still do I really dont like them). Also if the California Angels (Anaheim Angels now) would ever be as good as they were in the 80s which they proved in the world series a few years back. Or even dare I say it The BOSTON RED SOX and the NEW YORK YANKEES who really cares about the yankees any way (GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!) or even the CHICAGO CUBS not being in the playoffs for a while ( thank goodness Sosa is gone) as you can see i dont really care who wins the Super Bowl I just cant wait til BASEBALL gets here.
I also cant wait til NASCAR gets back in the raceing spirit. Thats another argument me and my roommate have she really dislikes NASCAR and I LOVE IT!!! I dont understand it, a Southerner that doent like NASCAR. Thoughts and Help learning the reasoning of Football would be nice because Ryan loves football and I want to at least try to understand it before next season.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Day in, Day out

I just got in a little while ago and was thinking about what Casey asked us yesterday at Counter-Culture. I don't really know how to answer such a question. For those who don't remember what it is or don't know its, (sorry Casey for the paraphrasing) Is it okay to try out, as a Christian, on American Idol. I don't really think that it is such a good idea. Because on doesn't really know what to say when your asked outright what one would do. I know that I have been thinking about it for a while and have come to the conclusion, as a person who once wanted to try out just to see what they thought of my vocal talents, that now after the question has been asked that it would not be good for a Christian to do. Especially if one just looks at it as "If I do this will it jeopardize my relationship with God?" Ask that to a person and if they really think they are a strong enough Christian then let them go ahead and try out. As for me I don't think that my relationship with God is ready to tested that much right now.

God Bless