What do you tell someone who has just lost a love one? How can you say I know how you feel? There have been deaths in my family but none like the one this past week back home. Those of you who know me know that I am very compassionate, but what do you tell a 10 year old after his dad died? I just know that I felt so hopeless Saturday at the funeral. Ms. Sharon, the wife of the deceased, looked like hell (if you excuse the phrase), and Cody, the 10 year old, looked like he was just trying to be brave for his mom. Jerry and his wife, Jerry is the eldest son, looked like he was trying to be strong for his mom. I dont think that I could ever be that strong. I still dont know what to say to him. All I can do is offer my help if he needs someone to take him away to talk or something. And whats worst is that Tommy and Cody are really good friends. They basically grew up together and it is the same with me and Jerry. I have known them forever. But what can you tell a person after something like this happens.
God Bless.